016 What Day Is It? 2 (US) / Day Dreaming 2 (UK)

Walk down

Try to leave the hotel
(must have solved Puzzle 014)

01 Daily Stroll Course (US)
01 Afternoon Walk Course (UK)

One possible solution for Toy Car Course 01 using just
five of the available seven items can be seen here

Walk down to leave the hotel

Walk left

Talk to Max
(must have solved Puzzle 014)

Enter the arcade
(must have talked to Max)

Pick up three hint coins

Talk to Family Goon (US)
Talk to Family Thug (UK)
(must not have visited the back of the hospital)

If Puzzle 016 isn't solved before visiting the back of the
hospital it will be sent to Beasly at the start of Chapter 2

016 What Day Is It? 2 (US) / Day Dreaming 2 (UK)

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


Seventy days before today is Sunday


315 Picarats and 62 Hint Coins

015 Boxes of Matches (US) / How Many Boxes? (UK)

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough