Walk up
(must have talked to Segal) (US)
(must have talked to Grafton) (UK)
Pick up three hint coins
Talk to either Shmelmey or Shmarton (US)
Talk to either Chelton or Barmey (UK)
Journal Entry
Chinatown Guards (US)
Guards at the Chinatown Gate (UK)
Carefully examine the door on the left
153 An Extra Block
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Super Hint
The block composed of two triangles isn't used
1085 Picarats and 129 Hint Coins
153 Cat Romance
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough