Walk down to leave the toy shop
Walk up
Pick up two hint coins
While there's a third hint coin hidden at this location, this
can't be picked up until after you've solved Puzzle 070
can't be picked up until after you've solved Puzzle 070
Talk to Ward
Journal Entry
Layton Has Left the Building (US)
Is the Future Me Not Home? (UK)
Look at the ornate building
(must not have solved Puzzle 095)
If Puzzle 070 isn't solved before solving Puzzle 095 it
will be sent to Puzzlette at the start of Chapter 10
will be sent to Puzzlette at the start of Chapter 10
070 The Third Youngest
Hint 1
Hint 2
Hint 3
Super Hint
The third youngest child is B
2170 Picarats and 176 Hint Coins
069 Which One's White (US) / Pearl Diving (UK)
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough