This weekly puzzle was not made available for download
and is presented here for your puzzle solving enjoyment
and is presented here for your puzzle solving enjoyment
34 Cluttered Bag 2 (US) / Cluttered Case 2 (UK)
See the Step by Step Solution
Step by Step Solution
Slide the blue small L-shaped item up
Slide the brown S-shaped item left
Slide the green L-shaped item left and down
Slide the blue large L-shaped item left
Slide the purple L-shaped item up, right and up
Slide the green U-shaped item up
Slide the red garnet right
Slide the brown T-shaped item right
Slide the green L-shaped item down one space and left
Slide the green U-shaped item left and up
Slide the brown T-shaped item up
Slide the red garnet left
Slide the brown T-shaped item down
Slide the green U-shaped item down and right
Slide the red garnet right one space and up
Slide the green L-shaped item right and down
Slide the green U-shaped item left
Slide the purple L-shaped item down
Slide the blue large L-shaped item right
Slide the red garnet to the top
33 Black and White Balls
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough