094 The Dragon Bridge (US) / The Dragon Walkway (UK)

Enter the entrance at the back
(must have solved Puzzle 093)

Pick up three hint coins

Walk up

Pick up three hint coins

Check out the spiked ball

094 The Dragon Bridge (US) / The Dragon Walkway (UK)

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Slide the sideways-T piece to the right

Slide the S-shaped piece down

Slide the L-shaped piece down and left

Slide the spiked ball down, right, down and right

Slide the L-shaped piece right, up and right

Slide the sideways-T piece up, left, up one space and left

Slide the upside-down L piece left and down

Slide the spiked ball left and down

Slide the L-shaped piece down, right and down

Slide the spiked ball up one space and right

Slide the sideways-T piece right and up

Slide the S-shaped piece up, right one space and up

Slide the upside-down L piece up and left

Slide the L-shaped piece left and down

Slide the spiked ball down

Slide the S-shaped piece down, right and down

Slide the sideways-T piece down and right

Slide the upside-down L piece up, right, up, right and up

Slide the sideways-T piece left


3180 Picarats and 242 Hint Coins

093 The Mirror Maze

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough