Weekly Puzzle
24 Rearranged Names
See the Step by Step Solution
Step by Step Solution
Slide the T tile right
Slide the O tile right
Slide the Hat tile down
Slide the A tile right
Slide the K tile right
Slide the red L tile right
Slide the blue L tile up
Slide the Y tile left
Slide the U tile left
Slide the K tile down
Slide the red L tile right
Slide the U tile up
Slide the Y tile right
Slide the blue L tile down
Slide the U tile left
Slide the red L tile left
Slide the A tile left
Slide the E tile left
Slide the O tile up
Slide the T tile left
Slide the N tile down
Slide the O tile right
Slide the T tile up
Slide the Hat tile right
Slide the K tile right
Slide the Y tile right
Slide the red L tile down
Slide the U tile right
Slide the blue L tile up
Slide the red L tile left
Slide the U tile down
Slide the A tile left
Slide the Y tile up
Slide the K tile left
Slide the E tile down
Slide the T tile left
Slide the O tile left
Slide the N tile up
23 Books on a Table
This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough