24 Rearranged Names

Weekly Puzzle

24 Rearranged Names



See the Step by Step Solution

Step by Step Solution

Slide the T tile right

Slide the O tile right

Slide the Hat tile down

Slide the A tile right

Slide the K tile right

Slide the red L tile right

Slide the blue L tile up

Slide the Y tile left

Slide the U tile left

Slide the K tile down

Slide the red L tile right

Slide the U tile up

Slide the Y tile right

Slide the blue L tile down

Slide the U tile left

Slide the red L tile left

Slide the A tile left

Slide the E tile left

Slide the O tile up

Slide the T tile left

Slide the N tile down

Slide the O tile right

Slide the T tile up

Slide the Hat tile right

Slide the K tile right

Slide the Y tile right

Slide the red L tile down

Slide the U tile right

Slide the blue L tile up

Slide the red L tile left

Slide the U tile down

Slide the A tile left

Slide the Y tile up

Slide the K tile left

Slide the E tile down

Slide the T tile left

Slide the O tile left

Slide the N tile up

23 Books on a Table

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough