105 The Fingerprint

10 Raleigh's Soccer Ball Delivery Errand (US)
10 Raleigh's Ball Delivery Errand (UK)
(must have solved Puzzle 104)

One possible solution for Parrot Delivery Errand 10 using
all four of the available ropes can be seen here

Walk left

Walk down

Talk to Inspector Chelmey
(must not have ...)

If Puzzle 105 isn't solved before ...
it will be sent to Puzzlette at the start of Chapter 13

105 The Fingerprint

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


Suspect A is the guilty culprit


3545 Picarats and 249 Hint Coins

104 The Cake Gobbler

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough