028 Slot Machine Gun

Mystery Solved
Future Luke (US)
The Future Luke (UK)

Pick up three hint coins

Talk to Future Luke

Mystery Solved
Frightened Bystanders (US)
Frightened Londoners (UK)

Mystery Solved
A Letter from the Future (US)
The Letter from the Future (UK)

Mystery Solved
The Family (US)
Suspicious Individuals (UK)

Unsolved Mystery
Future Professor Layton (US)
The Evil Layton (UK)

Unsolved Mystery
Who is Dr Stahngun? (US)
Dr Stahngun (UK)

Journal Entry
Future London's Plight (US)
Future London (UK)

Leave through the door
(must have talked to Future Luke)

Pick up three hint coins

As you can't quit Puzzle 028 , this is a good place to Save
in case you don't have time to solve the puzzle

Walk down to leave the casino

Watch the scene

028 Slot Machine Gun

Hint 1

Hint 2

Hint 3

Super Hint


Arrange the parts as shown


690 Picarats and 105 Hint Coins

Puzzle Battle 1 : Layton vs Future Luke

This free video game walkthrough is for the Nintendo DS
Professor Layton and the Unwound Future Walkthrough
Professor Layton and the Lost Future Walkthrough